Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hole In The Head (HITH)

Oscars, as well as other large cichlids, are commonly afflicted by hole in the head disease (HITH). The symptoms are pitted areas or holes around the face and head area and along the lateral line of the fish – but the cause of HITH is not so clearly understood. I recently adopted my Oscar from a friend. He had hole in the head and after he was placed in my 120 he began to heal quickly. It was completely gone until a month later it appeared on the other side of his head.

Luckily, treatment is both easy and effective. First, begin a feeding program of vitamin enriched foods and supplements which can be found in most pet stores. Next, make regular water changes of 20-30% every three days and remove any visible waste matter daily. Then, add 1 tablespoon of aquarium or kosher salt for every 5-10 gallons of water in your tank and raise the temperature to 82F (remember to replace the salt that is removed during the water changes). Within a few days you should see an improvement in the Oscar’s appearance. After the “holes” have begun healing and shrinking in size the temperature can be returned to its normal range and water changes can be done weekly. Also, the amount of salt can be reduced to 1 tablespoon per 10-15 gallons.

Once your Oscar is well, remember to maintain your fish’s health by providing a clean, stress-free home and a varied vitamin-rich diet.

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